1 total messages about CARRIE CHARVAT
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05/13/14 06:35:40 AM

Hey Carrie, Im really sorry about the last time we talked!!! I was in the middle of a bad relationship that was falling apart and she would have gotten murderous if she knew u were talkin to me. Freakin Crazy Jealous!!! But thankfully thats all over now! Ive been tryn to figure out how to get ahold of u for days. I miss my friend!!!!! Whats ur # I had to erase it and the only one I can find is old 4035814? My phones off for a while but ill text ya on this free site i have set up for now. My email is jonlyons16@yahoo.com I really am super sorry about our last chat I wish it could have been different! The timing just could not have possibly been worse! Anyway it's in the past hopefully. I cant wait to get in contact with u again!!!